Merry Christmas to everyone.
Years ago my Grandpa made some elves out of wood that he hangs up every Christmas. Numbered One to Twleve, they hide all over the downstairs. Our job would be to find them all. There are only ten at our house, my son sternly reminded me. Maybe there are a couple we still haven't found?
Last week was the Original Art Show Opening at the Society of Illustrators. It was a fabulous evening, and I met Eric Carle. He was receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Society. Lots of other people that I knew by name -both illustrators and designers, publishers, art directors.
Lots of beautiful artwork. Get out and go see it all for yourself- if you are in New York.
Since I was without my little ones, I had loads of free time to sketch like mad. Here are some folks on the subway.
Is one of them you? I was the person trying to pretend she wasn't sketching anyone.