Monday, September 10, 2012

Southern Utah

A couple of landscapes from traveling this summer.  I don't usually do this sort of thing. Always good to try something new.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Plein air can be a great tool for reinvigorating your work. Am I right in guessing they are not done in your usual medium? The landscapes seem more opaque than your other illustrations.

  3. Wow. These are fantastic, Amy!! I really in love with that bottom one. Beautiful color palette.

  4. THanks. I have to admit that I did not do them outside, but took a picture and painted them in my studio- but in my defense I probably would have had a stroke in the 115 degree heat.... I used strictly gouache for these. Usually I use a mix of wc and g. They ended up a little chalky. I would really love to try painting outside, but have never really tried. I have a little tiny fear that I might fail miserably outside the lovely controled space in my studio. But I will be BRAVE. and try. soon.

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  6. I was trying to comment earlier and my computer wouldn't let me for some reason, but I just wanted to say that these are really beautiful. :) really love the bottom one's sky and the color of the ground in the first one, too.
    I think you've got a great handle on mixing gouache and watercolor... :) that opaque quality with the transparent watercolor looks amazing!
