Monday, January 18, 2010

Martin Luther King Jr

Here are some of my favorite images from the book Martin's Dream by Jane Kurtz. The book came out a year ago. A couple of thoughts on this book: First I love the look of this man. A Passionate speaker. A pleasure to draw and to capture the look of him. Very long eyelashes. Classic curved upper lip so distinctive.
I also remember two years ago on this day, MLK day, I was taking pictures of the Lincoln memorial for this book and got separated from my husband and children. We couldn't find each other for another 41/2 hours by which point I was about hysterical! Then again he had the three kids.
Anyway what a remarkable man Martin Luther King Jr.
-"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." MLK


  1. It must be hard to illustrate iconic people ... so many people already know every curve of their faces. These are beautiful.

  2. What a perfect post for today. Love that quote too. I love that in your job you get to keep learning about so many different things. Or at least get reminders of lessons already learned.

  3. What an incredible post. I love these pictures. I love being able to hear you talk through your blog. It makes me miss you even more. You are an incredible illustrator...THE BEST!

  4. I find these images to be incredibly powerful and moving.
